User Research International

Protecting IP in UX Research

IPAsset 5@300x

Physical Devices

All participants sign NDAs and are vetted by our participant acquisition team prior to attending sessions.

All physical prototypes are locked in a staging room* that’s only accessible via key card to select personnel.

We do daily inventory of identifying which prototype is assigned to each lab.

All prototypes’ serial numbers are inventoried upon receipt and before prototypes are returned.

We ensure that prototypes are always supervised and are returned to the labs every night.

At the start of each session, participants are asked to have any electronic devices** be placed into a locker in our lobby before participating.

For more physical security, cable locks can be used to secure devices, especially for sensitive projects like development gaming consoles.

* There is also a safe in the staging room that’s further restricted that can be used. ** We can take an extra step to verify that participants do not come to the labs with any electronic devices by having them empty their pockets.

Digital Assets

All participants are required to sign NDAs before participating in the survey, explicitly outlining the legal consequences of leaking information.

We can encrypt all prototype data and images before they are uploaded to the survey platform to ensure it cannot be accessed without the encryption key.

Use secure survey platforms that offer advanced security features such as encrypted communication, secure login, and session timeouts.

We can apply dynamic watermarks to images and videos that include participant-specific information (e.g., participant ID, timestamp) to discourage participants from sharing screenshots.

Implement techniques to obfuscate images or concepts during the survey, such as blurring sensitive parts or using low-resolution previews that only reveal the full details under specific conditions.

We can utilize specialized software to prevent screen capture during the survey that can detect and block screen recording tools.

We can conduct follow-up interviews or surveys to reaffirm the confidentiality agreement and remind participants of their obligations under the NDA.

Monitor survey sessions in real-time to detect and respond to suspicious behavior immediately.

Clearly communicate the legal actions that will be taken in case of a breach, including fines, legal action, and banning the participant from future studies.

Enhance participant vetting processes to ensure that only trusted individuals are selected (which can include additional background checks and verification steps).

Regularly audit survey logs and review participant activity to identify and mitigate potential security risks promptly.